Archive for March, 2008

Manchester Bike Polo Tournament!

Coming up, after the success of the championship we held in London as part of the Bicycle Film Festival last year, the Manchester lot are trying their hand at putting on a tournament.

Continue reading ‘Manchester Bike Polo Tournament!’

Rollapaluza all over again

Rollapaluza have re-branded themselves with a new website and more. They are now a cycling club open to all and in their words “less formal than other London clubs”. Everyone is invited to join whether they want to ride socially or competitively. Find out more…

Incidentally I heard about another new cycling club, recently. Cycling Club Hackney is particularly geared towards young people in the borough but everyone is welcome to get involved.

Fixed Bristol

Hello Bristol! Any chance of some polo?

Awareness Test

London fixed riders impose Fatwah on The Observer

Ok, obviously not really, but they might as well have judging by today’s reaction to the article which appeared in the Sunday paper. The users of London FGSS offer their reasoned opinion and Moving Target critiques here. ACF members offer a more subdued response.

In my opinion its all quite funny, I’m already looking forward to the summer and when the Evening Standard catches on.

On the other hand, this is a work of art….

UPDATE: Dave Moulton has a piece on his blog in reaction to the story and coverage of it on the net. I’m never sure about why people are so bothered about fixed/gear/wheel whatever terminology you want. I’d rather just get on with it…

Support for injured couriers

Two London couriers have been hospitalised by crashes in the last week, read the full story on MT. You can help them out by making a donation. Read more on MT how people have been supporting them through donations and acts of support. More to come!

(Photo: Todd)

Stolen Bike Blog

Check this new blog out – set up to help combat bike theft in London….

Cycle theft is a low risk high reward crime, most people wont bother a thief as they cut a lock, the police will not go out looking for stolen bikes, and you can sell a stolen bike quickly.

We are going to change that. This blog will host a list of stolen bikes, photographs and descriptions of known thieves and sellers of stolen bikes, and ways to protect your bike from theft.

We will also go to places where stolen bikes are sold, to record the activities of thieves, recover bikes, and educate people about cycle theft.

You can help by looking out for any bikes you see on this site. If your bike gets stolen emailing us a detailed description of the bike, its location and a recent photograph at and by not buying stolen bikes.

Thursday – Artycat!

Thursday 6th March – benefit for something to do with art and students,  7pm Cochrane theatre (Central st martins) southampton row, after party at Plastic people, Curtain road. Fancy dress – art theme.

Bike polo on Flickr

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